These loans are intended as initial aid to help start a small business. This makes it possible for the people to begin an independent existence. These are paid back in small repayment amounts. Preferred borrowers are women and the physically handicapped. Currently, there are 15 women’s groups, each with ten members. The credit line per group is set at €1,000.
“Kakpayili Wumpini Women’s Group” – the first to receive a starter loan
Each member works individually, but cares about the businesses of the others as well, which include: shea butter processing, groundnut oil processing, soap making, rice processing, food shops and selling grains.
Second Women’s Group
Visit 2008 from project leader Hermann Putz
The following photos show these women active in their own business, initiated through the aid of our starter loans:
Visit from Grace Akawe (left), coordinator
Funds for a new credit are being passed out to the women.
a small thanks for the starter loan
We thank the Kuchl Raiffeisen Bank for their support !